Monday, June 16, 2008

Dog Food Geek on Aisle Four

Today the selection at Compare Foods (Hispanic market) was particularly good. Goat on sale, calf heads, chicky feets, whole cow feet, pork kidneys and hearts - everything I was hoping to find basically. So I'm mumbling to myself estatically, exclaiming at new finds, throwing stuff in my cart with cackles of glee.

Suddenly I notice on my left, a store clerk looking at me fixedly. I looked to my right and yup, there was a mother and a teenaged daughter, also staring at me.

The odd thing was that I was so happy with my full cart, that I didn't really care that much! I just smiled at both of them and went to check out.


Robin French said...

Oh, how much was goat on sale for?! I haven't been over there in ages and need to go look around. I actually got pork hearts and beef feet for 79 cents/lb at the Food Lion here by my office yesterday.

Becca Shouse said...

How come everyone can get cheaper meat than me? Goat was $1.59 which is good for goat as you know. Ben said, "Num, num!"